Let me…

1 min readMar 13, 2021

Our world has tore apart.
Was thinking I could only feel you in my heart.
You are in up and I am in down.
And you will not or never know me even until I’m 6 meters down.

I admire and adore you.
I don’t know why I feel to.
Whenever I see you,
I got blue because I know you don’t know me the way I do to you.

Whenever you’re near to other girls,
I feel my stomach curls.
I get jealous and get confuse.
My heart agrees and won’t refuse.
I should’ve known and get it used.
Thinking that you aren’t mine and not even yours.

But I’m still hoping that one day,
You’ll know me and apparently stay.
That no matter what comes on your way,
You’ll choose me and will still choose me whatever it may.

But I know it is just a dream.
That you will stay with me as it seem.
I don’t know when this feeling stop,
But just let me feel how my heart jump.

Thank you and I will always appreciate you.
Here to support you and will continue to admire you.




Stars can't shine without darkness..So as success without failures! ;)